【摘要】 目的 分析大田縣城區0~7歲兒童生長發育狀況調查及影響因素。方法 將大田縣城區的0~7歲兒童作為本次觀察對象,納入600人,分析兒童生長發育狀況,同時通過Logistic回歸分析影響兒童生長發育的主要因素。
【關鍵字】 0~7歲,生長發育,現狀調查,影響因素
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the growth and development status of children aged 0-7 years in Datian county and its influencing factors. Methods Six hundred children aged 0-7 years in the urban area of Datian county were included in this observation, and their growth and development status was analyzed. At the same time, the main factors affecting children's growth and development were analyzed by logistic regression. Results Among the 600 children included in this study, 14 had low weight, 23 had stunting, 26 had weight loss, and 37 had obesity. By analyzing the general data of 100 cases of stunted children, it can be seen that there are significant differences in the fetal age, birth weight, family income, region, number of children, education level of parents, sleep, pickiness and other aspects of children, and the comparison is statistically significant (P<0.05), but there is no statistical significance between the sexes (P>0.05). Logistic regression analysis shows that gestational age, birth weight, family income, region, number of children, education level of parents, sleep and pickiness are the main factors affecting children's growth and development.
1 資料與方法
1.1 一般資料 將大田縣城區的0~7歲兒童作為本次觀察對象,納入600人,分析兒童生長發育狀況,所有兒童均為0~7歲,其中男性312例,女性288例;所有兒童家屬均已了解本次研究內容并自愿加入;本次研究需隨訪數據全面的兒童,能夠提供相關調查資料;排除肝腎功能衰竭疾病及心功能疾病兒童;排除合并先天性遺傳疾病兒童。
1.2 方法 所有兒童均需要進行相關體格檢查,包括體質量、身高及體質指數,以確定身體發育狀態,體質量主要采取電子體重秤進行干預,將體重秤平放在地面上,校準完成后脫去兒童鞋襪,并指導兒童在體重秤中間垂直站立,測量時應保持靜止狀態,待體重秤平穩后觀察體質量值;身高主要用身高測量儀檢測,指導兒童脫去鞋襪后背靠測量儀站定,保持站立狀態,以完成測量,身高與體質量均需要測量3次,取平均值,測量完成后利用計算公式:體質量/身高,得出兒童的體質量指數,隨后根據體質量指數確定兒童的營養狀態水平。
1.3 觀察指標 通過自制調查問卷對兒童的一般資料進行分析,包括性別、胎齡、出生體質量、家庭收入、地區、子女數量、父母文化程度、睡眠、挑食情況,調查問卷填寫前所有家屬均已了解調查問卷的內容,并在專業人員指導下進行填寫,如出現結果不明確選項則需與兒童家屬聯系后明確最終結果,如無法明確則需將該項刪除。并分析兒童的生長發育現狀,通過Logistic回歸分析影響兒童生長發育的主要因素。